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Our Social Sciences Editors
Our editors hold advanced degrees in a range of Social Science fields and we make sure to match you with an editor with expertise in your field.
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Representative Work

▪ Remarkable Contributions: India’s Women Leaders and Management Practices
▪The Return of the Sun: Suicide and Social Transformation among Inuit in Arctic Canada
▪ “An Inquiry Illustrated by the Armenian-Turkish and Israeli-Palestinian Conflicts”
▪ Motherhood and Class: Gender, Class and Reproductive Practices Among Japanese Single Mothers
▪ “Expanding the School Breakfast Program: Impacts on Children’s Consumption, Nutrition, etc.”
▪ “The Role of the Physician when a Patient Discloses Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration”
▪ Thought++: Plans for a Human Future
Our Social Science editors provide superior editorial services to clients representing a wide range of academic institutions, including:
▪Better World Institute for Thought & Policy
▪Brill Press—New Asian Acquisitions
▪Department of Family Medicine—Boston University School of Medicine
▪Institute for Policy Research—Northwestern University
▪International Relations and Security—University of Liverpool
▪Weatherhead Center for International Affairs—Harvard University
▪Harvard University Law School